The Academy accompanies organisations in their journey to a better workplace for ALL, by offering elearning, webinars, on-line or off-line workshops, talks by inspiring speakers and experts consulting to build an inclusive corporate culture.


  • Training

    A unique offer of tailor-made, on-line or off-line workshops to boost gender equality, diversity and inclusion in your organisation. We also create customised eLearning for every kind of target.

    Discover our trainings
  • Talks and webinars

    A unique offer of keynotes by top speakers to inspire your teams and raise awareness on gender equality, diversity and inclusion.

    Discover our talks and webinars
  • Our experts

    We work with a team of 60 multilingual trainers all over Europe and elsewhere and offer you the most qualified expert for your project.

Time to act.
JUMP over the gap between
intentions to actions.

Raise the knowledge and the skills of your organisation
to make it more diverse, equal and fair.

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