The JUMP Consulting provides expert analyses, guidance and communication enabling organisations to build effective equality plans.

Events and Communication

Expert support to organise your diversity or recruitment events and effectively communicate your work on diversity and inclusion

      • Organise your own diversity and recruitment events

      • Communicate your diversity plans internally and externally

      • Create your own diversity communication tools

Our expertise

Thanks to the organisation of the JUMP Forums, the Award ceremony, the JUMP Hubs, a broad experience of recruitment events at regional and European level, and many corporate events,
JUMP has developed a through proven expertise on event management.

We coordinate the logistics and ensure that everything runs smoothly to guarantee a successful event on diversity, inclusion, recruitment or women empowerment.

JUMP has a community of more than 100.000 contacts in Europe which proves our strength on communication and our capacity to engage different stakeholders and people.

We help you creating your own communication tools and campaigns to ensure that your diversity efforts are effectively communicated internally and externally.

  • Some examples of our work to support your needs and effort:

    • Event launch of your diversity network or diversity plan

    • Your event on the 8th of March, International Women’s Rights Day

    • Recruitment Campaigns targeted to women

    • Campaign against sexism and other unacceptable behaviours at work

    • Building awareness on gender equality at work through an internal communication campaign

    • Creation of specific tools for your organisation: diversity toolkits, anti-sexism guidelines, ...

    • Internal job fair for employees’ mobility

    • Employer’s branding and recruitment of women through our newsletter, emailing to our community of 100 000 people and social media

We thank our partners