The JUMP Consulting provides expert analyses, guidance and communication enabling organisations to build effective equality plans.


Expert support to accompany your organisation on its journey towards gender equality

  • Is your organisation ready for gender equality? 60% of university graduates are women. How many of them do you recruit? And how many are in your Executive Committee or in management positions? Are you attracting and developing all your best talent? Is your company’s culture inclusive? How do you communicate your diversity initiatives?

Our approach

    • Understand the benefits of diversity
    • Build the case for your gender equality plan
    • Engage the Top Management and raise awareness in the organisation
    • Audit your organisation
    • Assess employee & client perceptions
    • Benchmark vs other companies
    • Build the plan, clarify needs and goals
    • Communicate and engage middle management & employees
    • Develop gender equality best practice tools
    • Review and adjust HR/Talent processes
    • Implement training programmes
    • Monitor and report with proper KPIs
    • Communicate on initiatives, reward success
    • Develop “great place to work” culture & employer branding, to attract & retain talent

Our expertise

With more than 12 years of experience on corporate gender equality,
JUMP’s unique expertise allows us to match your organisation’s specific and varied needs,
achieve objectives and ensure impact.

Some of our expertise areas:

  • Strategic thinking and leadership engagement

    • Develop the strategic thinking which will help position inclusion, diversity and gender equality as a key dimension of your organisation

    • Build the knowledge of the team leading the gender equality plan

    • Engage top and middle management to gain commitment for the diversity and gender equality plan and assure that your teams are aligned with it.

  • Diagnosis

    • Build gender statistics of the state of play

    • Evaluate your organisational culture and systems on different aspects of diversity at your organisation

    • Analyse the results and identify what the specific issues at your organisation are

    • Survey your employees to analyse and evaluate

    Discover Our Survey
  • Recommendations, Action Plan, Business Case

    • Develop the recommendations, action plan and/or business case to transform your organisation towards a more diverse and gender-balanced organisation with clear KPIs and targets.

  • Employer branding, events and communication

    • Make your efforts and engagement on gender equality visible: both internally and externally

    • Improve your employer branding and ensure implementation and impact

    • Organise your diversity or recruitment events and effectively communicate your work on diversity and inclusion


No matter where you are on the journey, JUMP can help you to start
or strengthen your diversity and inclusion strategy and programmes.

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