The JUMP Forum is an annual event in Brussels, Paris & Lyon dedicated to boosting
gender equality at work, and advancing women’s careers.
There will be no JUMP Forum in 2020, but use our expertise to design or manage your intra-company D&I event.



There will be no JUMP Forum in 2020 & 2021!
But use our expertise to design
or manage your intra-company D&I event.
Watch the video

The JUMP Forum is the biggest single-day event on advancing women’s career and gender equality in the workplace,
in Brussels - Paris - Lyon

The JUMP Forum combines a full-day of learning with:
International speakers and visionary experts on the latest trends in gender equality, skill-building workshops for your personal and professional lives, best practices and dedicated seminars for HR or Diversity leaders, Networking facilities with 600 participants and experts.

The JUMP Forum is simply a must if you are serious about developing yourself as a leader and a change agent understanding the reasoning behind gender equality in the workplace.

JUMP is not just about helping women succeed but about creating a culture that values diversity and the talents offered by Men and Women.

Customer ratings

JUMP Forum Brussels, Paris, Lyon: :1270

Participants 2017





Why take part?

  • Companies

    Increase your competitive edge with JUMP by making the best use of all the skills that women have to offer, by nurturing those women with high potential and broadening your corporate image into a women-friendly company.

  • Women

    Improve your career prospects with JUMP and invest in yourself by attending skill-building workshops, conferences and by networking with outstanding women and men.

  • Men

    You have a role to play and a lot to gain from increased workplace diversity! Learn more on how gender balance and the full collaboration of men can benefit you and your teams.

Why is it important that men take part?