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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ornare feugiat tempus. Sed pulvinar in felis in commodo. Vestibulum eros lacus, ultricies id pellentesque sit amet, gest ...

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Meritocracy does not exist!

Or at least, if it does exist for some, it is not accessible to others or not under the same conditions. You are what you do. Not what you say. To align the two, ...

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La non-mixité comme outil pour l’égalité

Notre société est en plein paradoxe : un discours totalement égalitaire mais une réalité encore fortement inégalitaire. Une société inégalitaire est une société qui ne respecte pas les personnes ou, plutôt, qui ne les respecte ...

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The misfortune of mothers

The more children a woman has, the more she reduces her income and working time. The more children a man has, the more he increases his income and becomes available for work. "Everything fits together, ...

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Women are still not equal to men yet

Women outnumber men and are better qualified, yet they remain poorer and continue to play a subordinate role in the economy. Why is that ? Women represent more than half of humanity (51% in ...

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Comment libérer votre entreprise du sexisme ?

Isabella Lenarduzzi, fondatrice de JUMP « Promoting Gender Equality, advancing the economy” 94% des femmes ont déjà été victimes de comportements sexistes sur leur lieu de travail et 9% y ont été agressées physiquement. Ce ...

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Women for Europe – Europe for Women

Women's rights are the main indicator of the state of development of a society. Equal opportunities between women and men, their equal ability to deploy their talent in the labour market, their financial independence ...

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Develop your influence to ensure your succes

Just as men, women are ambitious and want to develop their full potential Once again, we have proof of women’s ambition in the latest JUMP survey conducted with Leverage HR on more than 1, 000 career women ...

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