
Are we women creating barriers for others?

I recently got back in touch with an old friend and was astonished to learn that she had recently resigned from her position because she was fed up with being subjected to bullying behaviour. The ...

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Age is no barrier for some

Governments in Europe have been banging on, for what seems like years now, onthe need to work longer. It’s a fact that the retirement age will rise and that pensions will dwindle for younger generations. ...

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Tackle gender stereotypes and boost our economies!

I was shocked recently when I saw an advertisement, to promote Women’s Week in the Commune of Ixelles (Brussels), which used the stereotypical images of an iron, a hairdryer, a duster, shopping bags and shoes. ...

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Recognising men who do support Women

I take real pleasure in announcing that this week’s newsletter contains two lead articles that are written by men in support of gender diversity in the workplace. With renewed interest in pushing gender diversity ...

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To quota or not to quota?

It seems the article in the Economist featured in my last editorial has created quite a storm. Some women feel that the celebrations and claims of We did it! are way too premature. As ...

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Did we really do it?

In the next few months women will cross the 50% threshold and become the majority of the American workforce, according to the Economist’s article We did it!. In the European Union women have filled ...

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A few facts about Women in Science & Technology

  The science and technology sector is vital in our knowledge economy, producing a revenue of more than 963.5 billion euros in Europe. That’s why it is essential that the sector continues to attract ...

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