
Womenomics – Quel est le poids des femmes dans l’économie ?

Quel est le poids des femmes dans l’économie ? La première émission de la série WOMENOMICS répond à cette question avec Isabella Lenarduzzi, la fondatrice de JUMP, qui travaille avec les entreprises pour favoriser l’égalité ...

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How to win the battle for women’s rights

The battle for women's rights is one of the most visible causes of our time. Nothing has inspired me more in the last few years than the women's marches. Nothing inspires me more than when I ...

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Gender Equality: the longest war

Women's history is shaping our identity and gender-based inequality The twentieth century marks a turning point in the emancipation of women. In Europe this movement began in 1900, when married women obtained the ...

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Sexism in the workplace: enough is enough!

This is it, we have finally gotten there! Thanks to the Weinstein affair, women are finally daring to speak up. And each one of us has 1001 stories to tell. The JUMP Study on Sexism ...

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Breaking Through My Glass Ceiling…Twice

Iwas not born a scientist nor was I born with the knowledge that I would one day be a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Laureate in France. However, I attained these achievements through maintaining curiosity, ...

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#BalanceTonPorc #MeToo

Women’s testimonies about the violence they are submitted to should not remain unanswered by companies. Excerpt from the excellent article by @Marie Donzel “In choosing blindly positive words about gender equality, we have forgotten ...

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