
In God we trust, all others bring data!

On December 3, JUMP, in partnership with Coca-Cola Enterprises Belgium, granted its Wo.Men@Work Award for the fourth time. The 2013 winner is Janneke van der Kamp, CEO for Novartis Belgium and Luxembourg. The jury and ...

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Back to school: a woman’s affair?

Have you ever experienced stress around 4pm at work when you know that your children are on their way home from school and have homework to do? Back to school signals the return of the ...

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Is power still an old-fashioned male business?

It’s already four years ago that Elisabeth Kelan published a study on the difficulties of keeping the spotlight on the gender policies called “Gender Fatigue”. She stated that the majority of companies thought that they ...

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Should we be celebrating Mother’s Day?

In France the survey ELLE- IPSOS founded out that 57% of working mothers from 30 to 40 years believe that having children are penalizing their careers. And they are 20% to dare confess to having ...

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The battle of the sexes is coming to an end

On International Day of the Rights of Woment, 8 March, many journalists asked me if it was still useful to have such a day and if I considered that equality had been achieved in our ...

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