
Les 7 péchés capitaux de l’égalité professionnelle

  McKinsey a publié cet été leur première analyse belge du rapport « Women Matter » qui existe depuis 2007. Cette étude a été réalisée sur une quarantaine de grandes entreprises et tente d’expliquer pourquoi ...

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The 7 deadly sins of corporate gender equality

Each year, McKinsey publishes their report “Women Matter”. The last one attempts to explain the reasons why those organisations are disappointed with the results for improving equality between men and women in leadership roles. Despite ...

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Les femmes sont-elles solidaires avec les autres femmes ?

Voilà bien un lieu commun que de dire que les femmes se jalousent, sont incapables de travailler ensemble et ne s’aident pas mutuellement. Chacune d’entre nous a certainement souffert à un moment de sa carrière ...

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Are women working with or against other women?

It’s commonplace to say that women are jealous by nature and are incapable of working together or helping each other. We’ve probably all suffered at some point in our careers from the “Queen Bee” syndrome, ...

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Mobilisez votre féminin intérieur pour sauver le monde

Pour réussir notre vie professionnelle, des coachs bien intentionnés nous donnent des conseils et écrivent des livres qui nous disent tous d’arrêter d’être cette « fille sympa » pour enfin devenir une femme qui maîtrise ...

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Embrace your inner girl to save the world

To succeed in our careers, well-intentioned business coaches write books advising us to stop being nice girls and become women who are in control of our lives. They tell us to stop trying to please ...

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Getting back into the School-Work Swing

You know it all too well, the stress that working parents experience around 4pm when they know their children are coming home from school and have homework to do. Back to school signals the return ...

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Treat us differently but equally

95% of high-flying women believe they are not recognized or promoted on an equal basis to men compared to 67% in 2005 Survey of more than 400 women in Europe conducted by Eve-olution & ...

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The conflict between being a woman and a mother

“Gender equality is linked to the role we give to motherhood, ” said Elizabeth Badinter after the release of her book “Conflict” two years ago. It’s recently been translated into English, which is why I’d ...

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Those women who are enemies of the rest of us

  This week I had several experiences that left me feeling quite aggrieved. I took part in an event for women leaders in Frankfurt. The subject had nothing to do with equality probably ...

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As of the 8th March, start calling yourself a feminist!

These days it is considered almost blasphemous to call yourself a feminist… Automatically, people assume you are a man- hating, anti- feminine rioter. Many of you think: “I am not a feminist, I am feminine”. ...

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