
Why JUMP is Pink?

People often ask me: “Why did you choose the colour pink for JUMP? It is not a colour that is typically associated with business and it gives a girlish image to your brand, which is ...

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Bridge the ambition gap

“We need to empower ambition that makes sense for women: without it, we will stay in a world led by men.” Sheryl Sandberg’s words, not mine at the equality debate on Women Moving Forwards ...

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Because we’re worth it …

Last week, I took part to the event organised in celebration of the 40th anniversary of L’Oréal slogan “Because we’re worth it”. I’m not sure if, in the beginning, L’Oréal fully appreciated the impact of ...

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2012: No solutions without women

I read recently that each century doesn’t really get started until a decade or so later when profound changes take place. We know that 2012 has been considered by analysts and for the first ...

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Pas de solution en 2012 sans les femmes

J’ai lu récemment que chaque siècle ne commence pas à l’année zéro mais une dizaine d’années plus tard par de profondes transformations. On le sait, 2012 et les suivantes sont considérées par les analystes et ...

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Companies need to break the spell of gender stereotypes

Two weeks ago I wrote how a new study from Catalyst highlighted that despite their best efforts, women see their careers evolve following performance criteria different from those of men. This is largely because women ...

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How to make 2012 your best career year ever!

Now is the time to plan for your 2012 career goals. Start by creating your own career strategy checklist and make 2012 a career-defining year. Use the Christmas break to conduct a reality check ...

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Wanted: nominations for the 2nd AXA Wo_Men@Work Award

It’s that time of year again when JUMP joins forces with AXA Belgium to organise, for the second year running, the AXA Wo_Men@Work Award. The award recognises the business leader in Belgium who has ...

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Quotas give the green light in Belgium too

Last Thursday, the Chamber of Deputies, voted 71 votes to 54 in favour of the bill that public companies and companies listed on the stock exchange are required to have a third of women (up ...

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A backlash against sexism

The DSK affair and more precisely the dismissive reactions of his colleagues have caused outrage among women, and men, on both sides of the Atlantic. The media is awash with reports condemning macho behaviour at ...

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Let’s give birth to a radically different future!

The JUMP Forum that happened last Thursday prompted us to question the real meaning behind JUMP. On the occasion of the Forum’s fifth birthday, I wanted to expand on this year’s theme, “From gender diversity ...

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Messages from JUMP Forum 2010

I am delighted to announce that this year’s JUMP Forum went without a hitch. Last Thursday 29th April over 500 people, Women (and men!), turned up at the Hotel Van der Valk at Diegem for ...

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Sisterhood is the key to real freedom

I recently read an article that really struck a chord with me so much so that I wanted to share it with you. That article is “The Fire of Freedom” by Elizabeth Debold, which traces ...

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More action needed to solve the gender pay gap

A study published by the Institute of Equality between Women and Men at the end of March has revealed that women in Belgium earn 10% less than men per hour. On an annual basis the ...

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