
Equality: the European Union makes it happen!

  We have just celebrated the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day. But is it still relevant today? A small reminder of our history: before the 20th Century women had absolutely no rights. ...

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A few facts about Women in Science & Technology

The science and technology sector is vital in our knowledge economy, producing a revenue of more than 963.5 billion euros in Europe. That’s why it is essential that the sector continues to attract new talent ...

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Will flexibility keep women in companies?

During the last Economic Forum at Davos, Manpower referred to the “human era”. In other words it is no longer the capital of a company that is the engine for growth and performance but individual ...

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Are schools reinforcing gender inequality?

Since the 1960s, education policy has been firmly focused on equality and social cohesion but are schools really furthering gender equality or serving to reinforce the differences? If girls, as many studies suggest, are outperforming ...

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New fathers are the modern knights in shining armour

The Fatherhood Institute (UK) published a very interesting report on the index of family equality. And yes, from now on we’ll not just speak about equality between men and women in society and work but ...

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Unequal parental leave reinforces stereotypes

In October the European Parliament voted to extend maternity leave to 20 weeks on full pay (currently 15 weeks in Belgium) and two weeks paternity leave (also two weeks in Belgium but optional) on full ...

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Wo_Men@Work Award

Dear JUMP reader, I would like to share some of my emotions, experiences and findings as the appointed expert for the AXA Wo_Men@Work Award 2010, first edition. Here goes nothing. Tension ! The AXA ...

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Belgium and Europe’s performance in gender equality

The World Economic Forum published its Global Gender Gap Index 2010 earlier this month. Scandinavian countries are leading the way with Iceland taking the top spot just in front of Norway, Finland and Sweden. These ...

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New Woman’s Health Academy workshops are launched

The Woman’s Academy has teamed up with the Women’s Clinic (Groupe Chirec) to bring you the Woman’s Health Academy, — a series of workshops dedicated to Woman’s health issues. Did you know that cardiovascular ...

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Smart women make smart financial choices, do you?

Let’s take a look for a moment at your personal finances. Now, don’t run away! For many of us personal affairs of the fiscal kind have been more complicated than life itself. Perhaps that’s ...

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So, what about flirting at work?

This week I would like to celebrate the rentrée with a theme that can make life easier and more sparkling if employed properly … “professional flirting”. After having contributed to an article on ...

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Treat us differently but equally!

JUMP’s first survey among self-employed women in Belgium, will be finished this week. The full survey will be soon available online on the blog JUMP and on the website of the National Institute for equality ...

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Falling birth rates continues to threaten prosperity

Fertility rates have been falling throughout Europe since the 1990s. Most birth rates are now below the necessary replacement levels — the number of children that need to be born to replace the adult populations. ...

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