
JUMP Forum participation(s):

Jean-Laurent Costeux

Head of Operations on Big Data Products at Orange

Jean-Laurent is the head of an IT Department at Orange accountable for the end-to-end delivery of AI Services for customers, based on Machine Learning and Big Data products development. His responsibilities include skills development, transformation and link with Business Units to help them to find new opportunities related to AI and to consider privacy, ethics and security concerns.

With a strong innovation background, Jean-Laurent has always been involved in operational and technical teams. He discovered diversity due to his inclination for evolving organizations, where people can progress and give sense to their work and life. In many fields such as Diversity, Environment or Empowerment, he feels very concerned by Corporate Social Responsibility.

Jean-Laurent is also leading Mix’IT network, which promotes Women in technical teams (especially at Orange IT), fights against gender stereotypes, and gets Men involved in defending gender equality. He is a regular contributor to other networks such as Inter’elles or Women in Tech to comment on AI bias or women in the digital transformation.

JL has 3 daughters (all 3 concerned by Gender Equality!) and is the founder of a sailing association which also encourages women to participate in sailing regattas (another world of men).