The JUMP Corporate Hub is the network of the corporate diversity stakeholders
dedicated to the exchange of best practices on gender equality at work.

Previous session

Engaging Men for Equality in the Workplace

A Paris de 12h00 à 15h30

Prix par personne par session: 350€ hors TVA
Le repas du déjeuner et le café sont inclus. Vous recevrez l’ensemble des supports de présentation, vidéos, résumé de la session et articles connexes.

Note: Les inscriptions ne sont pas nominatives. Si vous ne pouvez pas participer à la session, vous pouvez donner votre place à un.e collègue.

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session guest speakers

Bill Proudman

Founding Partner and CEO, White Men as Full Diversity Partners

Marie-Christine Mahéas

Coordinatrice de l’observatoire de la mixité, Directrice et co-autrice de « Mixité, quand les hommes s’engagent »

(Session in English)

No matter how frustrating this might be, it’s not really surprising. Men rarely experience sexism, so they don’t always recognise it when it’s happening right in front of them, or, even more disturbingly, when they are the ones perpetrating it. So, how to promote a culture of gender equality in business, without experiencing a rejection by men ? 

In this session we’ll explore the issues to be addressed to counteract the reluctance of men to gender equality.


Bill Proudman pioneered white-male-only workshops in the mid-90s after repeatedly noticing that male leaders disengaged from diversity efforts. His provocative work seeded the creation of WMFDP, an organization that guides leaders to a place of deeper understanding and awareness, heightened cultural competence, and transformative and courageous leadership.

For over 35 years, he has served as a consultant, coach and facilitator to countless companies and organizations on issues of team effectiveness, cultural competence, diversity and leadership development. He is the founder and first board chair of the Experiential Training and Development Alliance and was twice president of the Association for Experiential Education. He is also co-author of a three-volume field guide on diversity partnerships and is an official blogger for MARC (Men Advocating Real Change) an initiative of Catalyst, a leader in research on gender related issues. Bill is working toward the day when all people view a diverse and inclusive work environment as vital to maintaining a company’s competitive edge and is in everyone’s self-interest.

Prix par personne par session: 350€ hors TVA
Le repas du déjeuner et le café sont inclus. Vous recevrez l’ensemble des supports de présentation, vidéos, résumé de la session et articles connexes.

Note: Les inscriptions ne sont pas nominatives. Si vous ne pouvez pas participer à la session, vous pouvez donner votre place à un.e collègue.

Online registration ORDER FORM