The JUMP Corporate Hub is the network of the corporate diversity stakeholders
dedicated to the exchange of best practices on gender equality at work.

Previous session

How to build a workplace free from sexism & unacceptable behaviours

In Brussels from 12.00 to 15.30


Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.

Online registration ORDER FORM

session guest speakers

Anne-France Simon

Head of Diversity & Inclusion at BNP Paribas Fortis, will share some of the best ...

Marlies Demeulandre

Author of the JUMP handbook "Libérez votre entreprise du sexisme". Please note: Marlies' presentation ...

Sandra Wilikens

Chief Human Resources Officer and member of the Executive Committee at BNP Paribas Fortis

Please note this session will be run in French.
We will ensure PPT are in English. Thank you for your understanding.

In the age of “me-too”, sexism is a risk that all companies face. JUMP’s “Study on Sexism” shows that 94% of women have been submitted to harassment in the workplace. It’s time for sexism to stop, but would you recognize sexism when it’s happening? Would the people in your organisation? And what can you do about it?

Understanding what sexism is, its multiple manifestations and the damage it causes is a big step. And a critical step for any manager who wants to develop a culture of inclusion and ensure the performance of his/her teams. In your organisation, as everywhere else, the cost of sexism can be considerable. It reduces productivity and creativity, impacts commitment, undermines relationships between colleagues, erodes the physical and psychological health of its victims, and will threaten your gender equality policies… In short, it deteriorates the performance of your organisation by weakening your most important asset: your human capital.

Fortunately, it just takes a little knowledge, awareness and the implementation of individual and collective actions – which, for some, are as simple as effective.

Marlies Demeulandre, author of JUMP’s guide “Free your company from sexism”, gender equality expert, socially engaged journalist and film director, will guide you in this session to :

  1. Define what sexism is and make it understandable to your managers
  2. Evaluate how your organisation is doing with a simple test
  3. Understand the role of HR and D&I, line managers, trade unions, leaders, witnesses and by-standers, victims
  4. Give you the right tools to act


Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.

Online registration ORDER FORM

session hosted by

BNP Paribas Fortis

Rue Royale, 20
1000 Bruxelles