Mentoring vs Sponsorship, and how to maximise them both September 25, 2018 In Brussels from 12.00 to 15.30 PARTICIPATION COST: Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl. Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative. Online registration ORDER FORM session guest speakers CAROLINE PICKARD Trainer and consultant, Catalyst MARINE SANTOS Business HR Director – Cargill CSST Europe (Starches, Sweeteners & Texturizers) Mentors and sponsors serve different purposes, but their end goal is the same: to support employees in achieving their goals. Mentors are a source of guidance, feedback and support; sponsors are senior leaders with positions of authority who use their influence to help others advance. Both are critical in different ways to help break down obstacles to women’s careers, provide them with tools to navigate the workplace and ensure successful transitions to leadership. But both require a different level and type of implication, both from the person asking for support and from the one providing it. In this session, we’ll explore the success factors and benefits of the two types of programmes in supporting and empowering women in their careers, and when to use which. Download Premium WordPress Themes FreeFree Download WordPress ThemesDownload Best WordPress Themes Free DownloadDownload WordPress Themes Freefree download udemy coursedownload karbonn firmwarePremium WordPress Themes DownloadZG93bmxvYWQgbHluZGEgY291cnNlIGZyZWU= PARTICIPATION COST: Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl. Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative. Online registration ORDER FORM