Handbook - Free your company from sexism

This guide has been developed for companies and is available for free to help you ensure your organisation is free of sexism.
The guide is a folder of 8 cards with 3 different sections: Understand, Test yourself, and Act.
The “Understand” part, in the form of a booklet, give a clear definition of sexism with explanations, facts, figures and key dates, includes arguments to convince your hierarchy, helps identify ordinary sexism in the workplace and uncover stereotypes as well as unconscious biases.
The “Test yourself” cards allows you to test your level of awareness and what actions you and your organisation are already taking, whether you are a line manager, HR manager, or director.
The “Act” cards provide a checklist, indicating how to take action, how to support victims and witnesses, how to rely on the social partners. They provide information to understand the laws against sexism and learn about company good practices that exist to tackle sexism.
(Available in French and in Dutch).
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