
Take part in the JUMP survey on sexism at work and in education.

Woman or man, your voice matters! Help us track the changes in Europe since our 2016 survey.

Deadline for answers: October 2024 - Please share widely to make our statement and recommendations stronger 🙏🏼
Discover here below the 2016 survey results and our tools against sexism : free posters to raise awareness on ordinary sexism, free handbook for HR and managers, a diagnostic of your company, conferences and training …

Previous survey

The handbook for managers and HR

This guide has been developed for companies and is available for free. It is a folder of 8 cards with 3 different sections: Understand, Test yourself, and Act.

Content Overview

    • Booklet UNDERSTAND

      • I Convince your top management to act

      • II Definitions

      • III Recognise everyday sexism in the workplace

      • IV Know who your enemies are: unconscious biases & stereotypes


      • 1 Where do you stand in terms of sexism?
        Quick scan for HR and leadership team

      • 2 Where do you stand in terms of sexism?
        Quick scan for HR and leadership team

    • Cards ACT

      • 3 Checklist for an action plan against sexism for leaders &HR

      • 4 Making sexism inacceptable: the managers’ role

      • 5 Social partners & trade unions: your allies

      • 6 Support victims and witnesses

      • 7 The laws against sexism

      • 8 Companies’ best practices

A poster campaign to raise your employees’ awareness

We have also created a poster campaign to raise employees’ awareness about sexism, that you can use for free within your organisation. Each of the fifteen posters can be customised with your company’s logo and a personalised message; i.e. the name of the in-house contact person to reach in case of inappropriate behaviours. The posters are available in Dutch, French, German and English. You can download the digital models below or we can customise them for you (at cost price).

With the support of

Conferences & trainings

  • An awareness raising conference on sexism at work to identify its different forms, their impact and stop them
  • Training leaders and managers “How gender stereotypes affect the place of women in your organisation”,
    “Sexism hurts your organisation: how to get rid of it”, “How to identify the different forms of sexism and protect your workplace”, “Inclusive leadership”
  • Women only workshops: “How to tackle sexism”
  • Men only workshops: “How to become a better ally for gender equality”
  • Workshops for all on “How to build an inclusive workplace”, “Are we treated equally and with the same respect? What can we do to improve life at work?”

JUMP works in several languages and adapts its content and format to your needs and situations
For a customised proposal, email us at:

Diagnostic & Consulting

  • Establish an action plan against unacceptable behaviours
  • Define your set of inclusive behaviours
  • Survey your employee’s perceptions of their career opportunities and DEI awareness to measure the level of inclusiveness of your corporate culture and build an action plan tailored to your needs
    Individual consulting and working sessions to help you reach your DEI objectives and communicate on your results

JUMP works in several languages and adapts its content and format to your needs and situations
For a customised proposal, email us at:

Discover our tools for individuals

futher resources (in French)

Vidéos par thème de l'enquête sur le sexisme (subtitle in english available)

Booster votre sens de la répartie avec les tutos de JUMP !

la plateforme pour lutter contre le sexisme.