The JUMP Forum is an annual event in Brussels, Paris & Lyon dedicated to boosting
gender equality at work and advancing women’s careers.


March 1, 2015

The Female Economy How can you benefit from the growing role played by women,and from their ever-increasing spending power?

The JUMP Forum combines a full-day of learning with:

• International speakers and visionary experts on the latest trends in gender equality
• Skill-building workshops for your personal and professional lives
• Best practices and dedicated seminars for HR or Diversity leaders
• Networking facilities with 600 participants and experts

The JUMP Forum is simply a must if you are serious about developing yourself as a change agent and understanding the reasoning behind gender equality at work. Men are very welcome too!

JUMP is not just about helping women succeed but about creating a culture that values equality and the talents offered by women and men.

Don’t miss the biggest event on gender equality at work and advancing women’s careers.

Picture galleries

JUMP Forum Brussels 2015

JUMP Forum 2015 in Brussels


Vlerick Business School

Bolwerklaan 21, 1210 Brussels - Belgium

We thank our partners

Women friendly companies