
Céline Parsoud

Founder of Gender Busters, President of WoMen'Up

Céline Parsoud is a young entrepreneur and media specialist rocked by the digital world. After more than 5 years spent in the first French media group, she decided in 2016 to become an “extrapreneure” on digital and gender-equality issues. In 2017, she founded Gender Busters, a start-up that works with companies to help them achieving their last steps towards gender equality.
Active in WoMen’Up since 2014, Céline works on shattering the biases on young generations and gender diversity and took over the presidency in 2017. More than ever invested to shake up stereotypes, she is the ambassador of a new kind of feminism carried out by WoMen’Up, both in the workplace and in civil society, to break the codes. To this effect, she is a speaker at many events : TedX, JUMP Forum, La Nuit du Digital & des Réseaux au Féminin, “Elles cassent la baraque”, Ada Week, Le Grand Forum Marie Claire, ESSEC Women’s Day…