The JUMP Corporate Hub is the network of the corporate diversity stakeholders
dedicated to the exchange of best practices on gender equality at work.

Previous session

How to build and evolve your diversity network strategy for more impact

In Brussels from 12.00 to 15.30


Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.

Online registration ORDER FORM

session guest speakers

Veronika Hucke

Diversity expert, D&I Strategy & Solutions, author of « Unconsciously biased: employee networks 4.0 »

Sanah El Ouardani

Co-President TWICE Network, Head of Management Control DSI-RC, Total

Florence Dion

Co-President TWICE Network, Deputy VP Procurement Refining & Chemicals, Affiliates Support, Total

Employee networks are increasingly more popular with companies in Europe. Leverage the energy and efforts of employees to strengthen culture and collaboration. Meet new people, develop new competencies and increase employee engagement. Sounds like a sure bet. But research and experience tell a different story. Despite all efforts, the majority of networks are struggling to meet their members’ needs and to prosper and grow. With a focus on the company ecosystem, this interactive sessions explores how to avoid common stumbling blocks and to make sure groups deliver on expectations.
Key learning points will cover: 1) Common stumbling blocks for employee networks, 2) The impact of the company ecosystem, 3) Golden rules for successful groups.
Our expert for this session, Veronika Hucke is a seasoned leader with deep expertise in Diversity and Inclusion (D&I), change management and communications. Her recent research and publications have focused on employee networks as well as D&I impact: “A Fresh Look at Women Networks” and “Unconsciously Biased: Employee Networks 4.0”. “Achieving Results: Diversity & Inclusion Actions With Impact”.
Veronika has held leadership roles at HP, Xerox, Alcatel and Philips, and combines subject matter expertise with extensive experience in working across large scale organizations. In 2015, she founded D&I Strategy and Solutions a consultancy firm focused at strategy development and implementation as well as research. She is part to the faculty of the The Conference Board’s “D&I and Change Academy” and has acted as a member of the Executive Committee of their “Diversity in Business Council”. She has been honored with the “Global HR Excellence Award” and was shortlisted two consecutive years for the “European Diversity Award”.


Price per person per session: 350€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.

Online registration ORDER FORM

session hosted by


Rue de l'Industrie 52, 1040 Brussels
