The JUMP Corporate Hub is the network of the corporate diversity stakeholders
dedicated to the exchange of best practices on gender equality at work.

Previous session

Managing gender and generations: the end of “careers” as we know them?

In Brussels from 12.00 to 15.30


Price per person per session: 300€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.


session guest speakers

Saskia Van Uffelen

CEO Ericsson Belux, Digital Champion and Digital Mind of Belgium, Author of "Tous Patron! De ...

David Ingram

Director R&D – Packaging Development, B.I.C. Site Leader - Procter & Gamble

Today’s workforce spans four generations. Technology and this broad age range have changed the work environment and impacted job performance, communication, and office dynamics. A multi-generational workforce creates challenges related to diverse perspectives, priorities, and work styles. And when you add gender into the equation, it gets even more complex.

In this session, we will look at the different generations of Baby Boomers, Gen X and Millennials and explore the dynamics between these groups, while acknowledging the diversity within each generation and looking at the impact of gender too. We will also look at the attitudes and assumptions of Millenials, what makes this generation tick, what they expect from a leader and how they view the workplace, and how they perceive gender bias.

Developing an inclusive culture will be critical to build upon the value and contribution of all generations and genders – and this is all the more important in a context where corporate cultures are being transformed to cater for increased diversity, flexible work environments and global virtual teams.



Price per person per session: 300€ VAT excl.

Lunch and coffee break are included. Session summary, presentation, videos and useful readings will be shared with participants after the session

Note: If you are unable to attend, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. If you register to the whole programme, you can exchange your seat with a colleague. Seats are not nominative.


session hosted by

Procter & Gamble

Temselaan 100, 1853 Strombeek-Bever
