Employer branding & Gender Equality

Employer branding can be a real opportunity to attract and retain women in the context of war for (female) talent, but it can be risky if the company’s leadership, systems and behaviours are not aligned around gender equality.
Many organisations publicly commit to gender balance and inclusion, but closer inspection suggests they talk a good talk and that’s about as far as it goes. They might be compliant with current legislation and market their inclusive brand to attract top talent. They host an event for International Women’s Day and do a Lunch and Learn on awareness training. But the numbers don’t add up. Negative comments appear on social proofing sites and a “pink it and shrink it” product marketing campaign goes wrong. Such half-way and half-hearted measures can end up damaging your employer brand.
So what can you do to position yourself as a gender-friendly organisation? You need to start by understanding what women really want from an employer, then deploy an intentional strategy towards them, starting with a good understanding of your culture and how your brand is perceived on social media, a clear message and offer that speaks to women, targeted marketing and coordination between employer and customer branding.
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Hub Marque employeuse – Video replay

Marque employeuse : décryptez les stéréotypes de genre pour communiquer sans clichés – Webinar