
Engaging men for equality in the workplace


No matter how frustrating this might be, we have to acknowledge that men hardly recognise effective inequalities in the workplace and even more rarely act against them.
So, how to promote a culture of gender equality in business, without experiencing a rejection by men but instead making them responsible for the cultural transformation of their workplace?

Why is gender equality also relevant to men? What can you do to engage men? What are the do’s and don’ts? What active role can men adopt on this issue?

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Best practices

Men and gender equality activities (European Institute for Gender Equality)

The issue of the role of men in the promotion of gender equality is being recognised as a necessary part of gender equality policy. On this account efforts were made to collect basic information and data in the area by mapping relevant actors in the 27 EU Member States whose activity can be considered as contributing to a more effective involvement of men in the promotion of gender equality.


Actions men can take to create an inclusive workplace (Catalyst)

Catalyst believes that men have a pivotal role to play in creating workplaces where both women and men can thrive. Our research suggests that a critical aspect of this role is to be an example to other men.
Below, we have listed some actions that men can take to develop capacities as agents of change and as influential role models to male peers. Acting on these behaviors can make a difference in your workplace and begin to create a critical mass for change.


Actions organisations can take to support men’s engagement (Catalyst)

Men have a pivotal role to play in creating workplaces where both women and men can thrive, but too often they are missing from or on the periphery of workplace diversity and inclusion efforts.
Catalyst research indicates that senior leaders, D&I and HR teams, and talent management professionals can support men’s increasing engagement on these issues.


The Role of Men in Gender Equality – European strategies & insights”, (European Commission) (2012)

First European study with research from EU 27 member states on the role of men in Gender Equality, to provide better knowledge on the role and positioning of men in gender equality issues, covering areas such as education, work, family care, health, violence and policy.

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