
How to manage parenthood at work for better gender equality?

What are the issues that companies are faced with on managing parenthood in the

Equal opportunities for men and women
Work-life balance
Avoiding parental burn-out
Career plans and parenthood
What can organisations do to better manage parenthood at work?
Best practices, measures and tools that work or don’t work
Organisation in practice: employer and employee constraints

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Best practices

Guide parentalité : promouvoir la parentalité auprès des salariés masculins (Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises ORSE, 2008)

Enjeux pour les entreprises à promouvoir la parentalité auprès des salariés masculins, difficultés rencontrées par les salariés masculins qui souhaitent être davantage présents au quotidien auprès de leurs enfants, les solutions mises en oeuvre par les entreprises pour avancer sur ce sujet.

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Supporting reconciliation of work, family and private life: Good Practices (EIGE)

Publication from EIGE' study ‘Collection of good practices on reconciliation of work, family and private life in EU Member States’.

For the purposes of this study, policies on reconciliation are defined as interventions that promote gender equality through the balancing of work, family and private life.

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Exemplar Employers Best Practice Recommendations on Women Returners (Opportunity Now)

In 2007 Opportunity Now partnered with the Government Equalities Office to identify 100 Exemplar Employers who were doing innovative work to address, Occupational Segration, Equal Pay, Flexible Working, Training and Development, and Women Returners. Today the best practice recommendations are still relavent and provide an excellent basis for developing strategies to progress the narrowing of the gender pay gap and to improve opportunities for women in the workplace.

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