Sabine Sagaert
President, Global Managing Director Malt
"I have felt that winning the award was a great recognition for the efforts done in driving diversity in the workplace. At the same time, it inspires others to believe we can really make a difference
Winner 2016
Erwin Ollivier
General Manager Athlon Belgium
“Inspiring others by demonstrating a company culture where women AND men feel they do not have to choose between the job and their family to be successful.”
Read about the experience and the best practices of Erwin Ollivier
It takes two to tango…
Koud gepakt– Warm aanbevolen
Winner 2014
Michèle Paque
Managing Director Quintiles Benelux
“The award has been the motor of numerous interactions with leaders and stakeholders from different horizons, sectors and industries. It was great to realize that we are indeed focusing very much on gender equality and yet, at the same time, to become aware that the journey is far from finished… which is precisely the reason why we have to continue this road together.
I have also been particularly delighted to receive supportive feedback, internally from the Quintiles
Winner 2013
Janneke van der Kamp
Country President Novartis Belgium & Luxembourg
“Winning this award was not only a recognition of my personal engagement towards improving diversity & inclusion but also of the Novartis inclusive business culture enabling our associates to be themselves, give their best and grow professionally, while allowing them to care for their families and find a sustainable work-life balance. This ambassadorship has also provided a unique opportunity for me to raise awareness and
Winner 2012
Tom Declercq
Managing Partner Talent Deloitte Belgium
“The Wo.Men@Work Award provided me with an even bigger platform to open up the discussion about gender diversity in the wider business world. I not only shared my own experiences at Deloitte, but also gained more insight into how other business leaders work on gender challenges at their companies.”
Winner 2011
Christel Verschaeren
Vice President IBM Europe CIO
“Winning the Wo.Men@Work Award gave me the unique opportunity to speak about our diversity policies and practices that support the skills and career development of women in IBM during many occasions at events and within companies that are just starting their own diversity and inclusion journey. It has given IBM public recognition for our long culture of diversity and inclusion, yesterday, today and tomorrow.”
Winner 2010
Albert Ragon
Managing Director Danone Belgium
“This Award has allowed me already many times to speech about questions regarding personnel and diversity issues in particular. I was also invited by different boards of companies and institutions to talk about Gender Balance Equality of Chances and had some very interesting discussions about it.”