Isabella Lenarduzzi
Founder & Managing Director of JUMP - Ashoka Fellow

Bill Proudman
Founding Partner and CEO, White Men as Full Diversity Partners

Dorothy Dalton
Co-Founder and CEO of 3Plus International

Hager Jemel-Fornetty
Professeure Associée EDHEC Business School et Directrice du Centre Open Leadership for Diversity & Inclusion

Sarah Saint-Michel
Maître de conférences au sein de l'Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Anita Descheemaeker
Owner of BONES, a Health Care & Wellbeing Communication Agency

Marie-Cécile Van Ecke
Director of the Branches Network, Of the Entrepreneurs Bank and of Private Banking for Brussels Region at BNP PARIBAS FORTIS

Samira Blanjean
Coach, Co-president of the Belgian Chapter of the International Coaching Federation

Philippe R. Declercq
Coaching & Mentoring

Barney Jordaan
Professor of Management Practice: Negotiation, Conflict Management, Mediation, Vlerick Business School

Sara Van Wesenbeeck
Life & business coach, accredited mediator, organizing expert, spreker en auteur - Barking Dogs

Sylvie Verleye
Storytelling coach, Simply Talking