Isabella Lenarduzzi
It seems the article in the Economist featured in my last editorial has created quite a storm. Some women feel that the celebrations and claims of We did it! are way too premature.
As ...
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Isabella Lenarduzzi
Il y a déjà 4 ans, Elisabeth Kelan publiait une recherche sur la difficulté de maintenir l’attention sur les politiques d’égalité professionnelle en l’appelant « Gender Fatique ». Elle constatait que la plupart des entreprises pensaient qu’elles ...
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Isabella Lenarduzzi
In France the ELLE- IPSOS survey found that 57% of 30 to 40 year-old working mothers believe that having children is penalising their careers. 61% of women never even think of going up in the ...
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Isabella Lenarduzzi
Governments in Europe have been banging on, for what seems like years now, onthe need to work longer. It’s a fact that the retirement age will rise and that pensions will dwindle for younger generations. ...
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